Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Friday, April 29, 2011

I've come to realize that my class is not gifted in map-reading. First, there was to globe-making disaster. Now this during today's U.S.A. map lesson...

Mrs. B: Everyone put your finger on Texas.

David: Look, Mrs. B, Australia is in Texas.

Mrs. B: What?

Ava: Yeah, and where's China?

Mrs. B: China is not a part of the United States. It is a different country entirely.

David: But Australia is in Texas!

Justin: That's Austin, not Australia.

David: Oh.

Ava: So, where's China?

Mrs. B: (frustration reaching a boiling point) In China! Okay, look, let's move on. Everyone put your finger on the circle at the top of the map. Does anyone know what that's called?

Joey: A compass rose.

Mrs. B: (seeing a ray of hope) Yes!! Good job. So what does a compass rose tell us?

Joey: Directions like north, south, east and west.

Mrs. B: Good! (feeling better by the second)

Wyatt: Mrs. B, do you know how the pirates knew how to tell directions?

Mrs. B: No, how?

Wyatt: They went--Never Eat Soggy Waffles. (Sees the look on my face) What?

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