Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jaycee: (running up to me on the playground) Mrs. B, why do we have grades like third grade and forth grade?

Mrs. B: Because it is easier to teach students who are about the same age and have been in school the same amount of time.

Jaycee: Oh. Was it like that in the olden days?

Mrs. B: No. It used to be all the grades together in one room.

Jaycee: How big was the room?

Mrs. B: Not very big, maybe like our music room.

Jaycee: How did the teacher teach everyone math?

(fast forward through ten minutes of this...)

Jaycee: (suddenly silent for a moment) Okay. I don't have anymore questions. (runs off)

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