Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rumor was going around that Wyeth and Madison were an "item."  

Mrs. B:  (to Dakota, the bearer of 3rd grade romance reports)  So you're saying they like each other?

Dakota:  Yup.

Mrs. B:  Are you sure about this?

Dakota:  Pretty sure.

Mrs. B:  Well, that's not the same as sure.

Dakota:  Maybe you should ask them.

Mrs. B:  I don't want to be nosy.

Dakota:  But it's your JOB to be nosy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mrs. B:  Let's is February 25th.  Wow.  The month is almost over already!  That was fast!

Dakota:  Good.  I'm sick of the "month of love!"