Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Friday, August 9, 2013

I tend to get a lot of former students visiting during "meet the teacher" night.  One highly precocious student from last year stopped by for a brief chat.  Keep in mind, this child is nine...

Mrs. B:  So how about those test scores!   You exceeded in reading and math!

Emmett:  Yup.  I knew I would, but my sister...(shakes his head in disbelief and chagrin)...she's dyslexic.

Mrs. B:  Really?  How do you know?

Emmett:  Oh, I just know.  But I think if they put her in the gifted classroom, she'd bump up.

Mrs. B:  Interesting analysis.  Are you planning on being a teacher when you grow up?

Emmett:  (horrified at the thought)  Oh, no.  Teachers don't make enough money!

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