Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

During a sudden, very dramatic thunderstorm...

Leila: Mrs. B, do you know what the sound of thunder really is?

Mrs. B: (seizing an opportunity for some fun) Yes, the angels are mad because you are all being sooooo naughty!

Cassidy: Nuh-uh! They're mad because you're sooooo mean to us!

(We all have a good laugh then get back to our lesson. A few minutes pass.)

Mrs. B: Jax! Stop goofing around this instant and get to work!

(As if on cue, a huge crash of thunder explodes)

Cassidy: See, I told you! They don't like it when you're mean!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mrs. B: (after a frantic, ten-minute search) Um, Clayton, your report card is right here on your desk!

Clayton: Well, I'm sooooooooorrrrry! My brain's all out of control right now!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mrs. B: Okay, everyone, take out your reading book.

Cassidy: Sure, why not?
No explanation necessary. This kid has a career in movies ahead of him. I especially like the jaunty top hat!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reed: (in response to another student's snarky remark) Well, aren't you just Mr. Sassy-Pants today? Those pants look high-dollar!
Mrs. B: Someone tell me what you might be doing at 7:00 p.m.

Summer: Eating dinner!

Kaylee: Getting ready for bed!

Reed: Wellll...Layin' on my couch...eatin' potato my underwear...watching t.v.

Mrs. B: Uh-huh, uh-huh...wait, what?!

(laughter around the room)

Reed: What? There are good shows on at 7:00!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mrs. B: (explaining a French phrase that was in a story we were reading) It is pronounced "le crayon." You have to make the ghuggggg sound in the back of your throat.

(children around the room imitate the sound)

Summer: (with disgust) It sounds like you're yakking!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A small boy had just picked a rubber snake from the prize box. He was walking back to his desk and appeared to be whispering something to the snake...

Reed: ...and just so you know, I'm gonna call you Mikey! Do you like that name? (moves the snake's head up and down)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This drawing appeared on the back of a math page...can you tell we've been studying ancient Rome? (Apparently, Roman soldiers were pigeon-toed!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cassidy: (struggling to complete some work) I caaaaaan't!

Jax: You can! Ya just hafta look inside ya and be a superhero!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mrs. B: I need everyone to look at the problem on the board.

Leila: (with her eyes closed) I can't see it. I have lazy eyes.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mrs. B: Okay, take out your red editing pencils.

Lee: (enthusiastically) Alllllriiiiiight! (to me, in response to my puzzled look) I'm a big fan of red pencils!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reed: I can't wear my real Halloween costume to's too gruesome.

Mrs. B: Well, you can always make a costume for school.

Reed: Yeah, I can't knit.

Mrs. B: You don't have to knit. You can tie a towel around your shoulders and put a big "R" on your shirt and wear swimming goggles and tuck your pant legs into silly socks and wear funny shoes. You can be a superhero!

Reed: Suuuuuuure...a superhero that's gonna get beat up!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm not sure if I can adequately paint this picture for you, but I will try. We were working silently on a project involving the ocean. Specifically, the students were supposed to be illustrating part of a story. I saw two of my boys with their head together and heard what I thought was a semi-naughty word said several times in a row. I launched into my usual admonishment about not using that kind of language at school when one of the boys stopped me...

Clayton: We didn't say "crap"...we said "crab." (Both boys simultaneously hold their hands up in the air and snap their imaginary claws.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mrs. B: (noticing that we have a student absent) Oh, where's James? It's picture day.

Antonio: Maybe he's home trying to make himself look pretty.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We were having a discussion about what we could buy with a million dollars...

Lee: I would buy a bunch of color laser printers so I could make illegal money and buy more stuff!

(Note: ahhhhh, an entrepreneur!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Apparently, a small girl has been bothering one of the boys every time I look away. The strain must have built up...

Jax: (loudly, to his tormentor) You're a BEAST!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I use a lot of pet names with my students...

Mrs. B: (to one sweet little girl who is taking a long time to put away her things) Okay, little princess, I need you to clean up now.

Summer: (with great skepticism) Are you SURE she's a princess?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kaylee: Mrs. B, my sister told me she'd give me ten bucks for cleaning her room. But when I cleaned it, she just went, "ha, ha, sucker!"

Mrs. B: Oh, honey, I'm sorry! (pause, thinking) Do you believe every thing people tell you?

Kaylee: Well, not anymore!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reed: I don't feel like being here right now.

Mrs. B: Neither do I, but what can you do?

Reed: (gesturing out the window) Well, there's a great big playground right out there!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mrs. B: (noticing that two boys are under their desks and no longer paying attention in math class) What are you two doing?

Clayton: We're lookin' for my tooth.

Mrs. B: Your tooth?

Clayton: Yeah, it flew out like Superman!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mrs. B: (to the class) Are you ready to listen?

Reed: I was born ready!

(I know this statement isn't all that original but you have to understand how hilarious it is coming out of the mouth of an eight year old.)

(Speaking of original, one of the funny quotes my kids said last year turned up as a line on Glee this week. Hmmm...)