Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Work hard you never know when she will grade something.

I'm not sure what is more disturbing--the nose drawn on my face or the fact that this student thinks I don't grade everything.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don't talk to your friends. Mrs. B will call on you and you won't know the answer.

Ahhhhh...a time-honored teacher tradition...calling on the children who are not paying attention.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't poke each other. Mrs. B says no to that.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This little one really took the "advice" part of the assignment to heart. Here it is:

Advice you will need!

Hi name is K and I am here to go you some advice and you will need it trust me. #1 don't shout out on any question. #2 don't pick your nose. #3 don't touch the white board or you will get your name on the board. #4 do what the daily goals say. #5 focus don't stare off in space. #6 do the best on your test cause you might get a big fat F. #7 follow the directions Mrs. B gives you. #8 write in cursive at all times besides when she says you can wright in print. #9 follow the rules every day. #10 be good every where and she would say that you are the best class ever.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

If you want to do a fantastic me, yell, yell, yell, yell, and YELL.

"Fantastic me" is a paragraph that I make the children write when they misbehave. It is meant to remind them how wonderful they are but they apparently do not like writing it very much. Perfect combination.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Do not bully or Miss B will take you to the monkey cage wich is the Princibels office. P.S. You do not want to go to the money cage.

See me glaring angrily out the window? I'm starting to notice a theme with these drawings...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do not make gross noises. Mrs. B will throw up. p.s. do not fart

Okay, the small format here doesn't do a thing for this drawing but the little guy in the front row is farting as is illustrated by the green wavy lines coming out of the seat of his pants. All the students are making various comments and I'm demanding, "Who did that?!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Monday, July 4, 2011

Don't goof off or shout out but if you like writing essays, go right ahead!

Good advice!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's SPELLING SENTENCE SATURDAY!!!! As everyone remembers, writing sentences for each spelling word can be incredibly boring. However, there are always a few students who view this task as an opportunity to amuse their teacher. These are their sentences. My comments follow in parentheses.

embrace: You can embrace your fear. (Good to know.)

curtsy: I looked very curtsy in my dress. (I think she means cutesy, and good for her with the positive self-evaluation!)

instant: I had instant karma. ("Instant karma" is a favorite in our class.)

children: The children were very rowdy. (Um, yeah they were!)

control: Get under control, people! (I feel this way every day!)

control: I can control Mrs. B. (Hmmm...interesting.)

The next two come from the same girl (a gifted student, no less.)

district: District is an interesting word, and I don't know what it means. (At least she's learned how to write a compound sentence.)

merchant: I can't think of a sentence for merchant. (Technically, this is a sentence. Well done.)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Do not make Miss B angry. You will not like her when she's angry.

True! Remember my "teacher voice" I had to use this year?