Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jose:  Look, Mrs. B, we have all boys in the front row!

Mrs. B:  And why do you suppose that is?

Dakota:  (who is a girl and sits in the back row)  Because boys are the naughtiest!

James:  (a front-row boy)  And they're also the AWESOMEST!

(Note:  The real reason is that I have 19 boys and only 9 girls in my class, but I thought this explanation was much more amusing.)
Kendra:  Mrs. B, what does "precious" mean?

Mrs. B:  Well, it means valuable.

Kendra:  Like something costs a lot of money?

Mrs. B:  Yes, but it can also mean that something is valuable in a different way.  Like if someone is precious to you.  I'm sure you are all precious to your parents, but that doesn't really have to do with money.

Wyeth:  What do you mean?  WE COST THOUSANDS!  My mom told me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We had a rough day today...
  Text:  I'm Mrs. b and I will toucher you
  (Just to be clear, she meant "torture.")

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mrs. B:  Okay, today's date is January 8th...oh, look at that!  Today is Elvis's birthday.

Wyeth:  Who's Elvis?

Jason:  Some guy who died on the toilet.