Sometimes it takes a third-grader to make it all clear...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

As any teacher will tell you, there are times when we just can't help but lose our temper with the students. We are human, after all. Today was one of those days.

My students were being really good. They were quietly working on their daily math page. Unfortunately, the older students were still at lunch and our classroom is located right next to the bathroom. I had already gone out two times to tell the boys to stop playing in the stalls when there was a huge crash and lots of laughing and screaming. I stormed outside and gave the students a rather loud "talking to" that I'm sure they won't forget for a long time. Then, I turned and stomped back into the classroom where, apparently, my students had heard every word...

Leila: Wow! You're not Mrs. B. You're SUPER BEEEEEEE!

Clayton: Able to scare kids in five seconds!

(Huge cheers go up from everyone in the room.)

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